Historic Structures & Collections

Old Cowtown Museum's collections reflect aspects of life on the frontier in the late 1860s and 1870s. They include historic structures and their period furnishings, clothing and domestic textiles, tools and machinery, farming equipment and rolling stock. An archival collection of photographs, letters, and documents also provide primary source material for historical research. A separate study collection and reproductions are used by costumed history interpreters to bring this historical period to life.

T​here are 54 historic and recreated buildings at Cowtown located along the banks of the Arkansas River that are open to visitors all year long. Twenty-seven of the buildings are original and have been relocated to the grounds from Wichita and other sites in Kansas. Relocation of these structures protected them from demolition and preserved them for the future.

​Structure Historic ​​District
Arkansas Valley Grain Elevator & Scale House ​​​ ​Industrial/Business
​Baldwin's Art Gallery and Photography Studio​​​​​​​
​Blacksmith ​Industrial/Business
Blood Family Homestead ​Blood Family Homestead
​Buffalo Hunter's Camp & Chuckwagon ​Wichita's Beginnings
​​Carpenter's Shop
​​Carriage Works Repository
​Children's Corner Creative Emporium ​Industrial/Business
​City Eagle Print Shop ​Industrial/Business
​City Marshal's Office ​Industrial/Business
​DeVore Farm ​DeVore Farm
​Dressmaking & Millinery ​Industrial/Business
Drugstore​, Doctor & Dentist Offices ​Industrial/Business
Empire Hall​​ ​Empire Hall
​Empire House ​Industrial/Business
​Fechheimer's Dry Goods & Clothing ​Industrial/Business
​Finlay Ross Furniture Store ​Industrial/Business
First ​Arkansas Valley Bank ​Industrial/Business
First Presbyterian Church ​Residential
​Fritz Snitzler's Saloon ​Industrial/Business
Gardner Coal ​Industrial/Business
​General Store ​Industrial/Business
​Gill Mortuary ​Industrial/Business
Heller Cabin Wichita's Beginnings
Hodge House ​Residential
​Jail ​Industrial/Business
​Lakeside Administrative Offices ​Industrial/Business
​Law Office ​Industrial/Business
​Livery Stable & Veterinarian's Office ​Industrial/Business
​Masonic Lodge ​Industrial/Business
McKenzie House ​Residential
Meat Market ​Industrial/Business
Munger House Old Town
​Murdock House ​Residential
​O'Hara's Barber Shop ​Industrial/Business
One Room Schoolhouse ​Residential
​Orientation Building Wichita's Beginnings
​Saddle & Harness Shop ​Industrial/Business
Smith House ​DeVore Farm
​Southern Hotel ​Industrial/Business
​Story-and-a-Half House ​Residential
​Thomas Shaw Music Store ​Industrial/Business
Trapper's Cabin ​Old Town
Turnverein Hall​​ ​Industrial/Business
Wichita & Southwestern Depot ​Industrial/Business
Wolf House & Herb Area ​​​​Residential​​