2023 Recap

Date: 12/21/2023
Contact: James Vannurden |

2023 Recap

With 2023 coming to an end, here is a brief recap of the highlights from the curatorial department this year.

Two temporary exhibits were opened this year.  During the spring we had our "After Dinner Delights" exhibit focusing on social interactions after the evening meal.  Opening in the fall we showcased "Hair Art"; still currently open, this exhibit touches on the tradition of making keepsakes from the hair of our friends or relatives.

We began construction on our brand new building.  This will be a permanent exhibit titled "Wichita Carriage Works".  Inside we will display many of our rolling stock pieces.  The goal is to open this exhibit in April.

After decades of use, the department decided to reupholster two benches in the collection.  These pieces are located in Empire Hall and Theater.  Now our visitors have a nicer place to rest.

We recently received a long-term loan item.  This harmonium will provide us with another example of Victorian music.  We hope to get this new piece in working order,​ so it can be played by its owner on occassion.

Thanks to everyone for making this another successful year for the curatorial department of Old Cowtown Museum.  ​​