Curatorial Volunteers
At Old Cowtown Museum, there are many ways to volunteer your time. You can join one of our many volunteer groups. If you like dancing, we have Entre Nous and the Daisy Longstem Saloon Girls. If you want to be a cowboy, we have our Cowtown Cowboys and River City Renegades. In addition we have the Social Club, Cowtown Vintage Base Ball, the Intertribal Warrior Society, the Empire House Players, and our Board of Trustees.
There are also ways to volunteer without joining an official group. One way I want to highlight today is being a curatorial volunteer. When I am in need of help for a larger project, I have received wonderful help from volunteers. David and Sophia have helped me immensely with inventory; we go building by building assessing the condition and location of every artifact in Cowtown’s collection. And while members of the Social Club, Lesa and Marilyn recently volunteered independently to polish a silver tea set that is on display in the temporary exhibit.

I just want to thank these individuals and all volunteers that help the curatorial department when called upon.