Furniture Collection
The collection here at Old Cowtown Museum covers a wide variety of areas. We have original documents like bank checks, art pieces such as paintings, and doctor tools. We also have items like musical instruments, carpentry tools, and quilts.
One area of our collection that continues to grow is our furniture repository. We receive furniture pieces into our collection every year. Some of these pieces are in fine shape and can be displayed quickly. Other pieces need a lot of work and can sit in storage for long durations.
Depending on yearly needs, one area of the collection I try to improve each year with earmarked money is for furniture restoration. Various people and businesses have helped Cowtown throughout the years to achieve this.
Most recently, I had Allen’s Upholstery work on two pieces for us. The first piece is a side chair. The other is a rocking chair. Allen’s provided two services: finishing work on the wooden frames and reupholstering. Now these two furniture pieces are ready for display.

Their new home is yet to be determined. But during your next visit to Cowtown, keep you eyes peeled…you might just find one.

*Special thanks to our Board of Trustees for providing the annual budget necessary to improve and protect the collection.