Happy Birthday Cowtown Part 2

Date: 2/20/2025
Contact: James Vannurden |


Happy Birthday Cowtown! Part 2

The 1960s rolled around with great excitement for Historic Wichita Inc. The centennial of Kansas was around the corner, celebrating 100 years of statehood. In order to celebrate statewide, the Kansas legislature fund numerous projects to emphasize this fact. One such example was giving Historic Wichita $100,000 for improvements. Translating to over $1,000,000 in today's money, our museum had a great opportunity.

Before this time, the museum had only focused on preserving historic structures to present to the public. It was at this point that the board of trustees decided to expand their scope and construct new buildings to fit in with the old. During this period of over one year, Historic Wichita constructed a dozen new buildings. This helped greatly to fill out the town. Some of these buildings included the bank, harness shop, and furniture store.

With the state celebrating its centennial, Historic Wichita now celebrated its single largest growth in its history doubling the size of our historic town. ​