Harmonium Loan

Date: 11/30/2023
Contact: James Vannurden |

Harmonium Loan

The museum has recently procured a long-term loan item. One of our volunteers has presented us with the opportunity to add to our musical instrument collection by loaning us a harmonium. 

While similar to a pump organ, the harmonium is quite different. The following is a statement for the instrument owner about his description of the harmonium. 

These predate the pump organs and are extremely rare and hard to find in the states. The pump organs were primarily made in the states with a few being made in Europe, while the harmonium was made only in Europe. The pump organ and harmonium have different internal air flow that result in different sounds. The air flow for sounding the free reeds (metal tongues) is generated either by pressure or vacuum. With pressure the tone sounds sharper with more attack while the suction type lets pass less overtones and sounds softer. The reed organs have suction reeds and the harmonium have pressure reeds. They are similar in sound, but different. 

harmonium Bennett.jpg

Once the instrument is properly logged into our system, cleaned, and lightly repaired, we will find a place for it on permanent display here at Old Cowtown Museum.​